Friday, August 30, 2019

Seizure Hospital Stay LV day 2

Thank you for all the kind, sweet comments in regards to Hailey. While these pictures are from last week know that Hailey is nearly back to her baseline as I type this. She is weak and not walking on her own with AFOs, but she’s talking and eating on her own. Walking ALWAYS takes the longest! 
While she was unconscious for nearly 24 hours there wasn’t much we could do. I stayed with Hailey while I sent her dad to go home and get some sleep and then bring back anything we needed. The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Las Vegas made sure that the parents in the PICU and NICU had lunch. I want people to know that The Ronald McDonald House doesn’t just help families out of state, which I think a lot of people assume. They will help anyone in the Las Vegas Community that have a child in the hospital. 
We learned the second day that it would be better if Hailey had a medical transport to Salt Lake City where the doctors familiar with her and familiar with Leukodystrophy could take care of her. That’s were the LCN (Leukodystrophy Care Network) comes in. I’ll explain our experience with the LCN and the 2nd flight for life we’ve had to take tomorrow.

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